2014 Work
This page will be done in from oldest to newest top to bottom. Work this year was done in two time frames, spring and fall. In the spring I spent a lot of time scratching building a depot for Santa Margarita. In the fall I finished the basic benchwork for the lower level and added the second helix so I had a completed loop. Here are a few pictures to show work. NOTE: if the picture has a blue frame around it you can click on it and see a larger version.
Here are two pictures of the Santa Margarita depot in 1957
I used these pictures (plus a couple more) to create an outline that I then cut our of wood.
The back, or street side
and the front, or track side
All four walls up.
A bit of interior This concludes the easy part. If you scroll up and look at the original you can see that the roof line is not going to be easy.
The frame for the center of the freight section of the depot.
Added to the depot. The floor of the second story added.
Interior walls added to the second floor and the framework for the roof over that section.
The depot with all the roof pieces in place. Still to do are the shingles, the loading dock and some trim pieces.
After building the depot I got busy and started the lower level of the layout. Here is the section where Santa Margarita will go. All of the buildings, except for the depot, are left over from earlier layouts.
Santa Margarita with some track and the depot with dock and shingles.
Lower level track work which will connect Santa Margarita on the right with San Luis Obispo on the left.
And the final bit of track work the second helix to connect San Luis Obispo to Gaviota
Here are a few pictures from Santa Margarita at night.
What the Private Investigator saw.
The blurred lights on the right are from a train arriving